Dear Jamel and Charity Hamka,
With great interest I looked at your stunningly beautiful and detailed website, featuring your gorgeous English Cream Goldens and I am not at all embarrassed to admit that I cried because I did not have the good fortune to purchase my English Cream Golden from your kennel. In my overwhelming joy and anticipation of owning one of these beautiful dogs, I acted too hastily and was not selective enough and realized too late that I was dealing with a breeder who offered no information, made no photos, gave no ancestry details and did not ask one single question about us, caring little or nothing about his pup or what kind of home we were going to provide for it.
We paid just a little less than what you ask for your pups, but I would gladly have paid just a bit more in order to know that we would receive a “new member of the family” from an integrative, caring and supportive breeder, who has the best in mind for his dogs and their prospective owners. I am impressed with the in-depth care you are willing to provide from the time your pups are born until they go to their for-ever homes. The training, the exposure, the excellent food and vitamin regimen, all are a guarantee for happy, healthy and well-socialized dogs, making the transition from breeder to new owner so much easier.
I would have loved a few photos, a memento of my dog’s very first weeks, but I was not that lucky! My pup was one you describe on your website, one who was born in a kennel, lived outside until she came to us and who had to compete for her food and water with other siblings and other litters. To this very day she still gulps down her food in unbelievable haste, not chewing it and vomiting it up later, always worried someone will beat her to the bowl and afraid she will have to do without. She was terrified of stairs, any stairs, be it at home or in town and the very beginning principles of toilet training were completely unknown to her. With lots of reassuring, calmness and encouragement I trained my dog to believe that there always will be enough food, that it is o.k. if someone looks in your ears or touches your paw and that we take vitamins every day.
Thank you for the treat of looking at your beautiful website, which contains all the information any prospective English Cream Golden owner ever could wish for!