Adopting a Trained vs. Untrained Puppy: What’s Best for You?

Trained Vs. Untrained: What’s Right For You?

When it comes to puppies, everyone loves their innocent little faces, their not quite so coordinated movements, and puppy breath! However, the cute and fluffy puppy phase quickly gives way to undesirable behaviors. The dreaded “puppy phase” can often include destroyed carpets, shoes, furniture legs, and many sleepless nights! When choosing to add a new furry family member, there are two main options: buying a puppy that has already been trained or buying an untrained puppy.

If you are considering buying a trained puppy, the primary advantage is that you avoid the time-consuming and stressful aspect of puppy raising. The potential downside of buying a trained puppy is that they may have been poorly trained or not trained according to your specific needs. Consider the factors and behaviors that will be most suitable in your home and find a breeder/training facility that aligns with your needs. This can save you a lot of time and effort in the long run. If you are thinking about buying an untrained puppy, ensure that you have sufficient time to dedicate to training your new pup. This can be a great bonding experience for all involved.


The differences between a trained and untrained puppy can be quite significant. A trained puppy will already be well versed in basic and sometimes even advanced commands, crate training, house training, etc. This means that the acclimation process would be much more seamless, and clear instructions would be provided by the breeder or trainer on how to transition your puppy to your new home. Conversely, an untrained puppy would have to learn from scratch, requiring more time and effort.

When your trained puppy comes into your home, it is likely that it will already know basic commands such as Sit, Down, Stay, and Come, amongst others. For more advanced behaviors like Leash Walking, Socialization, and Car Riding, it may take longer for a trained puppy to learn them. This also applies to the potty training process, as it takes longer for a trained puppy to learn these behaviors reliably.

When buying a trained puppy, you need to make sure that the training methods used on them are suitable for your needs. Most puppies are trained using rewards and positive reinforcement-based training methods. Research the facility from which you plan to purchase your pup. There are many different methods for early stimulation, the importance of early exposure and handling, as well as other factors that will shape your pup from a very early age.

Another advantage of purchasing a trained puppy from a reputable facility is that they will have skilled professionals in place with years of experience who can provide this necessary information and skills to your pup. Being well-educated and versed in different styles and methods of training is essential before deciding to purchase a trained puppy.

A trained puppy from a less reputable facility can also have some ingrained behaviors that will be more difficult to change. These behaviors could include excessive barking, aggression, or digging. On the other hand, an untrained puppy would be a blank slate, allowing you to shape its behavior as you desire. When you purchase an untrained puppy, you have the opportunity to customize its training without having to work around learned behaviors already in place.

That being said, purchasing an untrained puppy may not be for everyone. It requires more patience and dedication than training a trained puppy, as the training process may take longer. Since the puppy is untrained, it lacks basic commands and tricks and may take time to learn them. Additionally, it may take longer to potty train the puppy, depending on how much work is put into it.

Before purchasing an untrained puppy, it is important to consider the time needed to train them. You should also assess your patience and dedication to train the puppy according to your desired standards. Ultimately, it’s up to you to decide which option best suits you and your lifestyle.

What To Ask Your Breeder:

When considering purchasing a trained puppy, there are some questions that pet owners and potential pet owners should ask:

  1. How long has the puppy been trained? It is important to know the duration of training to gauge the level of training the puppy has received and the progress made since training.
  2. What type of commands has the puppy been taught? Understanding the commands the puppy knows will determine if it is a good fit for you and your family.
  3. What training levels do you offer? Ensure that the breeder you are considering can provide the level of training you are looking for. It is equally important to be realistic in your expectations for your trained puppy.
  4. Has the puppy had any issues during its training? Knowing about any difficulties encountered during training helps you understand the specific strengths and weaknesses of the puppy.
  5. What type of environment has the puppy been trained in? Understanding the training environment gives you better insights into its behavior and responses.
  6. What has the puppy been exposed to during its training? Ask about the people the puppy has interacted with, if it has been trained around other pets, and what other activities it has experienced.

The Decision Of A Lifetime:

The decision between purchasing a trained puppy or an untrained puppy should ultimately come down to personal preference. Both options have pros and cons. Pet owners should consider the amount of time they have to train the puppy, their skill level in training a puppy, and the type of environment in which the puppy will be placed.

Trained puppies come with a level of assurance that they have received a certain amount of training and have the necessary skills to perform the commands they have been taught. Regardless of age or training level, a puppy is still a puppy! They will inevitably make mistakes. On the other hand, untrained puppies give owners complete control over the training and allow them to shape the puppy’s behavior to fit their liking. In the end, it comes down to the kind of experience you want for you and your puppy. Whichever option you decide to go with, you can be assured that it will be a rewarding experience.