Recherche Goldens Customer Reviews

A English Golden Retriever Breeder and Trainer you can trust
Recherche Goldens is proud to be one of the top breeders and trainers of top quality English Cream Golden Retrievers in the world. We take great pride in providing the best puppies to wonderful parents and creating the best possible experience throughout the process. Below you will find many of the great messages we’ve received from our wonderful customers.
Additional Reviews
Julia Hussey – Maggie

Wanted to give you an update on Maggie. She is growing beautifully and happily. She is a wonderful, sweet, calm, playful, loving puppy. She is wise, too!
Our 15 year old Gordon Setter is crotchety, particularly with other dogs. Maggie was very careful to approach him sweetly. She was very friendly, loved him immediately, approached him often, but did not invade his personal space. How she knew to do that, I’ll never know. It took about 10 days, but now Woody just cannot help himself. He is crazy about Maggie. They even play together!!!
My grandchildren crawl all over Maggie (with my supervision, I won’t let them hurt her). They tried to persuade her to take a bath with them, but she wisely refrained. We are so very happy with Maggie in our home. We are going to pursue becoming a therapy dog team. Thank you so much for your guidance in our selecting her.
Best Regard,
Impressed Visitor
Dear Jamel and Charity Hamka,
With great interest I looked at your stunningly beautiful and detailed website, featuring your gorgeous English Cream Goldens and I am not at all embarrassed to admit that I cried because I did not have the good fortune to purchase my English Cream Golden from your kennel. In my overwhelming joy and anticipation of owning one of these beautiful dogs, I acted too hastily and was not selective enough and realized too late that I was dealing with a breeder who offered no information, made no photos, gave no ancestry details and did not ask one single question about us, caring little or nothing about his pup or what kind of home we were going to provide for it.
We paid just a little less than what you ask for your pups, but I would gladly have paid just a bit more in order to know that we would receive a “new member of the family” from an integrative, caring and supportive breeder, who has the best in mind for his dogs and their prospective owners. I am impressed with the in-depth care you are willing to provide from the time your pups are born until they go to their for-ever homes. The training, the exposure, the excellent food and vitamin regimen, all are a guarantee for happy, healthy and well-socialized dogs, making the transition from breeder to new owner so much easier.
I would have loved a few photos, a memento of my dog’s very first weeks, but I was not that lucky! My pup was one you describe on your website, one who was born in a kennel, lived outside until she came to us and who had to compete for her food and water with other siblings and other litters. To this very day she still gulps down her food in unbelievable haste, not chewing it and vomiting it up later, always worried someone will beat her to the bowl and afraid she will have to do without. She was terrified of stairs, any stairs, be it at home or in town and the very beginning principles of toilet training were completely unknown to her. With lots of reassuring, calmness and encouragement I trained my dog to believe that there always will be enough food, that it is o.k. if someone looks in your ears or touches your paw and that we take vitamins every day.
Thank you for the treat of looking at your beautiful website, which contains all the information any prospective English Cream Golden owner ever could wish for!
Melissa Wright – Miss Peach

Just wanted to update you on how ‘Miss Peach’ is doing… She is such a PERFECT puppy! We are all madly in love with her and the only reason I didn’t send an email sooner is because I couldn’t stand to stop playing with her long enough to send an email.
She is so outgoing, wants to be with us constantly (even as I’m typing this she is asleep in my lap), and follows us around the backyard. If she has a fearful bone in her body, we haven’t seen any evidence of it. In fact I dropped a metal pan in the kitchen when she was nearby and she didn’t seem to startle at all… just came prancing over to check out the commotion with her tail wagging.
She is a great sleeper. I placed her crate beside my bed where she could see me and she only cried to use the potty. I wasn’t expecting to get much sleep the first few nights, but so far, she is only waking up once at night to go potty, usually around 1:30-2:00. She seems to know exactly what to do when she gets outside. I was expecting to have to walk her for 10-15 minutes, but she usually uses the potty within a minute of hitting the grass. That was a pleasant surprise!
I had high expectations because I know how socialized and well-treated your puppies are, but she has exceeded all of them. She had her first vet appointment this morning. She has not had any diarrhea since we brought her home and doesn’t appear to be stressed at all. In fact I am amazed at how confident she is in her new surroundings. Thanks for caring so much about your dogs. It really shows in your puppies!
Heaven Sent Gabriel

Jamel and Charity will always hold a special place in my heart. We first ‘met’ through emails. I had lost my Golden Retriever to hermangiosarcoma. During research on cancer I came across the English Golden Retriever.
Anyone that has owned a Golden knows there is no other dog to have. They have an amazing character and humanistic side to them that endears them to everyone they meet; no one is a stranger. Their love of companionship and ability to train, sense, and understand is spectacular. So, for us, it could only be a Golden.
When ready for a puppy, the English Golden was where we turned, and my quest began. I don’t think there is anyone as obsessed and compulsive as me when it comes to research. I wanted a drivable distance for my puppy, which allowed me to meet the family, home, parent dogs, and visit. I wanted solid health and good pedigree lineage. The emails began.
Jamel answered every email and we had many dialogs related to any and every topic I asked about. They welcomed me into their home to meet the parents, visit my litter, and pick up my baby. To me, this verified that it was not just about puppies for them, but about the life of their puppies with the right family.
My puppy was born on Christmas day. My little angel…Heaven Sent Gabriel. He nuzzled his way into our hearts and has become the best friend a dog can be. He is smart, handsome, gentle, and loving. He is a hunter of scent, and 80 pounds of jolly. He has healed our souls and opened our world.
I am doing NACSW Nosework, and AKC Rally and Obedience with him. He has passed his ORT in nosework and our first Trial is coming. He passed his CGC test and has passed the testing and is a TherapyDog Inc dog. He has the ability to learn quickly with a fun desire either with a clicker or voice. He is always ready to interact; with other dogs, in classroom training situations, or a good old-fashioned walk. I couldn’t have asked for a better dog. He’s a typical Golden and snuggles with his woobie or carries around a stuffed bunny always.
It’s so much fun to see the moment he ‘gets it’…the relationship it brings, the excitement and accomplishment. We are able to have a special bond with our dogs when we are involved with their development. He is now three and I look forward to many more healthy and happy years ahead.
Facebook has made it fun to share with Gabe’s littermates and with Jamel and Charity. Their dogs all become ‘our’ dogs. Jamel and Charity have taken the time to build the foundation, all the rest is a bonus.
Bruce Schumann – Roxie

We could not be happier with the addition of our beautiful English Golden Retriever, Roxie, who is now nearly 3 (born April 2010). She is a wonderful family dog; she is very tolerant with young children and so sweet and gentle. She loves to play, especially fetching sticks.
She cooperates fully with even the most unpleasant demands, such as cleaning her ears, clipping her nails or bathing; she will let me do anything to her, completely submitting to whatever is asked of her.
We made an investment in professional training and that has made her the envy of our neighborhood; people always comment on how well behaved & well trained she is. I walk Roxie off leash with no concerns that she will stray from my side when given a command (even with the temptations of other dogs, deer, cats, squirrels, chickens, etc.).
We have owned several other dogs in the past and I must say, though I loved them all, Roxie is the best dog–EVER!!!
Doug and Judy Eifert – Samantha

Hi Jamel and Charity,
Buying a Recherché Golden was one of the best decisions we ever made. We loved the family aspect of how the dogs are treated, combined with a high level of professionalism. Our dog was so well adjusted when we picked her up, and has remained so ever since.
We named our dog Samantha, however she also goes by “Princess Peach”, which hails back to her puppy name. She is very sweet, but not overly needy. She loves all dogs and all people, (cats not so much). She can be stubborn, which she uses as a form of play. She loves the beach, but is still not crazy about the water. She has a boyfriend named Riptide, who is a Goldendoodle. She is very beautiful and knows it.
We are out of the country until February, and will send you lots of pictures when we get back. Best of luck and thanks for everything. Keep up the good work.
Best wishes
Michelle Elder – Sandy

Sandy is doing great. We love her and she is such a joy in our life! She was fully potty trained (never an incident after three weeks in our home). She has now graduated to having freedom of the first floor when we are home and we’re having no troubles. She still sleeps in her crate at night and when we are not home.
She is enrolled in another obedience class to start in early January to hone her skills in distracting environments. She sits, down, down-stays, rolls over,comes, opens, drops, leave it, fetch, get me toy, shhh, and leash walks (neads improvement but working on it) all of these fine in a quiet environment, but when there are other important things ( blowing leaves and other puppies) to distract her she is less quick to do it, so we will be working on these in her next class.
She was 32lbs. at her 4 month check up, so she should be about a 65 lb. dog and she is now starting to get her feathers (longer hair). Our family ( 10 people) just left after staying with us for 4 days and she was great with everyone around. My family couldn’t believe how calm and obedient she already is.
Thank you for everything and God Bless to you and your family.
Gigi Devine – Eli

Happy Holidays Jamel and Charity,
I can’t seem to locate your “snail mail” address on your website. I have a Christmas card with the two of us & Eli on it that I’d like to send to you. I promise not to send out your address to anyone else.
Eli is now 8 months old. He is the dog of our dreams! Smart, beautiful, calm, loving, gentle….We have many friends who have begged to take him home. Not a chance….but we do swell with pride. At all times he has something in his mouth. His favorite toy is a stuffed animal that looks like a Bernese Mountain Dog. When Eli doesn’t have the stuffed animal in his mouth he is snuggled up next to our 8 year old “real” Bernese Mtn. dog Sadie. He adores Sadie, and has been very good for her mental health. She remains painfully shy, but loves Eli.
If I get your home address I’ll send you our card along with a picture of our grandchildren w/ Eli this summer. Too cute for words.
Wishing you a healthy, happy, puppy-filled year (2011)
Lynn – Rigby

Jamel & Charity,
We couldn’t be happier with Rigby and he and Tosh are the best of buddies and seem like they have never spent one day apart. Out trip home from your place was perfect (didn’t get sick in the car) and he had a VERY warm welcome once we got to our house. Rigby’s transition into our family went very smoothly and the kids loved spending their holiday break getting to know him and playing with both of the dogs.
My oldest daughter loves how cuddly and sweet Rigby is and likes to sit on the floor and have him climb right in her lap. He and Tosh have their playtime (especially in the morning) but after their morning walk they will lie down right beside each other and snooze the morning away. I need to send you some pictures of them together. We create quite a stir whenever we have them together and have to stop and answer questions about how old they are etc….
I know you and your wife had really bonded with him but please rest assured that he is very happy and having a great time with his new family. We are so grateful to both of you for trusting us to keep him and couldn’t imagine our family without him so thank you once again for adding to our famliy.
I will send pictures as soon as I can and will stay in touch.
Thanks again,
Dennis – Ben

Here’s Ben, bigger than ever. He’s a beautiful animal in every respect. Well, he does tend to destroy digital cameras and move most of the contents of the kitchen to the back yard.
But no one’s perfect. Ben is by far the sweetest, happiest, and most obedient retriever we’ve ever owned. He loves every human and every dog he meets, and physically he is a real jaw dropper. And he is definitely the most popular resident of the neighborhood.
I think you would both be very proud of him.
Chad – Milo

The unanimous opinion of Milo is that he is indeed a remarkable dog, in appearance, demeanor, and intelligence. That opinion is shared by everyone so inclined to volunteer their opinion to me, as well as those that I have professionally consulted.
I’ve never had so much attention drawn in my direction as when Milo is with me, like iron filings to a magnet. I find myself calling him ‘Hollywood’ instead, looking over my shoulder for paparrazi. He’s really a wonderful fellow, sweet as a confection, gentle as a lamb, and calming to everyone around him. He makes friends where there were none. He really is ‘the one who brings happiness’.
I’m betting his mom is pretty close to ‘perfection’, too. As far as the AKC Golden Retriever breed, I have no idea how well or not Milo conforms, other than what I’ve read in books. Is there a rock star rating?
I do know for a fact that the world is a lesser place, because there is only one Milo to share amongst all of us.
Have a good day,

We have had a wonderful experience with Recherché, and, of course, Jamel and Charity. They are wonderful to work with and their puppies – as you no doubt see from the website – are beautiful, smart, and a delight to own. Our puppy went through “puppy school” and was very well trained and was keen to keep learning, including learning how to retrieve quail ! No trouble with potty training which was complete when we got him. He would sit, come, lie down, etc. exceedingly well.
Simply put, there may be more expensive breeders, there may be less expensive breeders, but from our experience, there are no better breeders. I think you will be very well pleased.
P.S. I am attaching a Christmas shot so you can see what Recherché’s puppies can look like when they grow up.
Melissa Wren – Heidi

I would love to provide a reference for Recherche Goldens. I highly recommend them they take excellent care of their dogs and it shows! Our Heidi is the most beautiful Golden we have ever seen!!! She looks exactly like her mother Anna. She is inquisitively smart and the sweetest dog in the world.
Everything from our first contact to the arriving of Heidi at our airport in Colorado was an A+++ experience. If we ever want another Golden I will be buying From only Jamal and Charity!!! They love their dogs/ the puppies they raise are their babies and they love and spoil them like they are their kids.
We couldn’t be more happy.
Tisha Heufelder – Ranger

Our experience with Recherche Goldens was a wonderful one! Our “Ranger” is a beautiful Golden with an unbelievably calm temperment.
He was enrolled in the Puppy Academy and came to us with a solid understanding of the commands sit, come, stay and down.
Throughout the entire process (decision to purchase, while in the Puppy Academy and even since Ranger has been in our home), Recherche has been there to answer all of our questions very patiently and thoroughly. We have been extremely impressed with them as both breeders and trainers.
Ranger is a healthy, bright and gentle dog who has been a wonderful addition to our family and we are thrilled we chose Recherche Goldens.
The Viverettes – Riley

We are the Viverette’s from North Myrtle Beach. Riley was born on August 9th and we picked him up on October 30th. Our experience has been great! Riley is beautiful, fun and smart.
He attended the Puppy Academy and has retained much of what he learned. He is good on a leash and has a good sit stay.
He has a beautiful coat and is growing rapidly!
Paul Lavigne – Henry

Hi Jamel and Charity –
6 days away from Henry’s first birthday. I was planning on taking a birthday photo and sending it to you.
In short – it was a huge leap of faith selecting you as a breeder. We were skeptical about shipping and some people would say it is crazy to spend the amount of money that we did on Henry (OK – most people). But he is an absolute GEM. Wonderful in every aspect.
The most loving animal that we have ever known – and he is our 4th golden retriever. The money was a small price to pay for the wonderful companion that we have.
Many people have commented on how handsome and well behaved he is – and this comes from our ‘non-dog loving’ friends as well!!
Kind Regards,
Leslie, Carlson – KC

On October 6, 2012 we brought home the newest member of our family, KC. She is our beautiful English Cream Golden Retriever, who we found through Recherche. We had been anxiously waiting to meet her since her litter’s arrival in August.
My 5 year old twins and I planned to drive from Chicago to North Carolina, to pick up our little pup in person. I wouldn’t have done it any other way! Although as timing had it, we weren’t able to meet Jamel and Charity in
person, we picked KC up from one of their partners, Walter Wagner.
We were able to see and meet KC’s mother and one of her sibling pups! From the time of inquiry about an upcoming planned litter in June of 2012, to our pick up date in October…..our experience, communication, and relationship with Recherche was wonderful!!
Thank you Jamel, Charity, and Walter!!
Todd & Kathy Holmes – K.C.

Over the last 16 years, Kathy and I have had 3 Goldens, 2 American Goldens and our recent new European Golden, K.C., from Jamel and Charity. We have learned a great deal about how important a quality breeder is during our 16 year experience. Our first Golden was purchased from a back yard breeder (Mistake!) and our second from a kennel breeder (Better). We loved and cherished them both but their overall quality and demeanor pales in comparison to K.C. Kathy and I are convinced that this is due to the attention that he received while in Jamel and Charity’s care.
Jamel and Charity delivered on every aspect of providing a loving foundation for K.C. and a pleasant experience for us. The puppy updates and pictures provided, starting at K.C.’s birth, made us feel that we were close to him, despite the fact that we were a few states away.
We decided to have K.C. participate in Puppy Academy and found it very rewarding. Again, Jamel and Charity delivered on every promise that was made. K.C.’s training foundation, provided by Jamel and Charity, made it very easy for me to continue with his training once he was with us.
He was responsive to all basic commands, easily potty trained, comfortable with the crate and the car and was socialized beyond our expectations. Our neighbors, all of whom have dogs, just couldn’t believe that K.C. was only 12 weeks old when they met him. They were all amazed that he approached them calmly, without the over enthusiasm and jumping that puppies usually partake in. K.C. is now close to 6 months old and his demeanor has remained consistent. He is well beyond where you would expect a pup of 6 months old to be. Again, Kathy and I are convinced that this is a result of quality breeding and breeder involvement!
Kathy and I highly recommend Jamel and Charity. I’m sure that you can invest less in a Golden but I will guarantee, based on our experience, that you won’t get near the quality.
Thank you Jamel and Charity!
Laura Manning – Beckham

What a pleasure it was to do business with Recherche Golden’s. Not only were they knowledgeable, it was apparent they had a very strong love for the breed.
The grounds were clean, all the dogs looked loved and well cared for. We picked up Beckham in October 2012 and he has been the dream dog of my life. He is calm and playful, a good listener and full of love.
I have to say I have had golden’s for 30+ years and Beckham has been everything I have loved before all rolled up into one.
My pleasure,
Kim & Mike Carpenter – Lucy

Hi Jamel and Charity,
I just wanted to email you to let you know how happy we are with our Lucy (Hannah and Romeo’s litter). Lucy will be 2 years old in October and is such a perfect fit for our family. Having lost our last dog so suddenly, I was sure I wasn’t ready to take on a puppy back then. Now, each month that goes by, I feel so lucky to have selected, with your expertise, the best personality for us. She is so calm and loving that just about everyone that meets her falls in love instantly. She is very playful and loves to swim and play fetch in the water which is wonderful since we spend our summers at the beach.
The memories we have witnessed with Lucy and my young children are priceless. In addition to her wonderful personality, she is gorgeous! Her pure white coat is something we don’t see a lot of. I could go on and on. We just wanted to thank you once again for your top notch breeding and dog training. It was worth every penny.
PS. I included a photo of Lucy enjoying the pool.
Louisa Avanzino – Maggie

Hi Jamal,
Just wanted to send you a picture of Maggie, now 2 years old. She’s a fun, athletic, outgoing girl who loves everyone. She is an absolute joy and I cannot imagine my life without her!
Thank you for bringing her into my life. I will be looking to get another Recherche Golden in the next couple of years.
I wouldn’t think of getting another dog!
Ginny & Mike Sellers – Cooper
Jamel, I was looking at Cooper’s final video last night to review John’s instructions. Cooper was lying next to my desk, napping. When he heard John’s voice, he lifted his little head and looked around the room for him…he didn’t cry but definitely recognized John’s voice!
Again, thank you. He is doing everything you said he would do. Regardless of how much we wanted and loved our puppies, bringing them home at eight weeks was a huge stress and a lot of work to get good, obedient, trustworthy family members. With Cooper taking him out at regular intervals, after he eats, and being consistent with your training program – just add love, hugs, and kisses – perfect boy!
No reply is expected. I will send pictures to you intermittently. He is lying right next to me as I write this.
Thank you again,
Paula Tziavragos – Bentley

Hi Jamel. It is Paula Tziavragos. I just wanted to give you an update on our boy. It has been 2 weeks and Bentley is absolutely a fantastic dog. He is extremely chill 95 percent of the time, like a new rug in our home. He has really gotten into our routine. Potty-trained immediately in NYC. We have a schedule and he is like clock work and in the same spot each time. He goes in his crate nicely at night now without a fuss. He is at my feet most of the day. Lays on the bathroom floor when I bath the kids. Lays on the kitchen floor when I cook dinner. At our feet under the table during meals. At our feet when reading to the kids at bedtime. At my side when tucking the kids in each night. He doesn’t go on the furniture. Chooses his toys over the kids toys. Loves to sit with me on the park bench when I take the kids to the park. Is so tolerant of the kids. Gets soooo much attention both from people and other dogs in NYC each time I walk him. Thank you again for such a loving, sweet perfect dog. He truly fits into our family. In fact I am having him groomed for the first time today and the children are sad that he has to be away from us for 3 hours. Please thank your trainers for us for such great work. Thank you again for our new family member!!
Roger Holeywell – Finley
We’ve had our Finley now for almost a year and couldn’t be happier with the decision to purchase from Recherche. I thought that Jamel did an outstanding job responding to our questions and organizing the purchase and air transportation. I had expected to have to travel to North Carolina myself, but he handled all of the arrangements for Finley to be shipped by air. When Finley came out at the live animal desk at United air freight, he was so relaxed that you would have thought he commuted by air every day.
Finley is our 4th golden and, while they’ve all had wonderful dispositions, you can see that Recherche spent a lot of effort on his early socialization, because he’s our first golden who isn’t bothered a bit by thunderstorms or fireworks. When he arrived he was about 80-90% trained for sit, stay, and walk and with a little refresher from “Bark Busters” (for us) he’s picked up almost everything else very quickly.
Nothing is guaranteed in life, but so far he is a healthy boy with no issues, allergies, or food problems. His personality is almost exactly like Jamel described, equal parts affectionate and self-sufficient. We wanted to have a ‘puppy experience’ without too much work and Recherche’s extended puppy training was a perfect solution. He was almost completely house trained when he arrived and had just a few accidents. He spent maybe a week in his crate at night and then very quickly graduated to having the run of the house and sleeping on our bed.
Alex Huffman
My husband and I purchased a Recherche Golden 2+ years ago, and it was the absolute best decision! The staff at Recherche are so professional and knowledgeable. Our boy has been the highlight of our life and brightens each day. He is the sweetest, most gentle and calm dog we’ve ever met, and we constantly are getting compliments on his calm demeanor (and looks)! We believe that his personality is do to the great breading, training, and nurturing environment at Recherche. He came to us at 10 weeks old knowing how to sit, down and was very good about going to the bathroom outside.
Our dog will be getting a human sibling this month, and we know that he is going to be the absolute best most loving big brother. We are so excited to see his relationship with his sister! Dogs are a huge commitment, and although Recherche is expensive, it’s worth every penny. We couldn’t love our boy anymore, and we would definitely buy another Recherche golden in the future (but are very happy with our only child dog for now)!
Beth Savoldelli – Luna
Luna arrived on Good Friday 2018. Her good manners, maturity, health, calm and disposition are such striking qualities for a puppy. These traits make the transition to our home pure joy. Jamel and his professional team did an outstanding job of describing our pup, the training she would receive (including videos on the training) and how to continue the job with her at home. Luna is a wonderful dog. We are a lucky family to share her life.