Our Girl – Christiana
Registered Name:
Recherche’s Pilgrims Progress Christiana
Date of Birth:
November 2, 2021
AKC #:

Health Information
Hips: AKNC 4:4 (OFA Equivalent “Excellent”)
Elbows: AKNC 0:0 (Perfect)
Eyes: OFA Clear (GR-EYE9293/5F-PI)
Heart: OFA Normal/Clear (GR-BCA6348/14F/P-VPI)
Ichthyosis: Clear (GR-CA30777/12F/P-VPI
Country of Origin: USA
Weight: 66 lbs
About Christiana
Christiana was produced by Recherche Goldens from Chloe & Chase. She was chosen to be kept in our program for a few reasons. First, she comes from generations of very healthy pups and parents. Her parents scored extremely high with their hip, elbow, eye and heart. Secondly, Christiana is ichthyosis clear meaning her pups can never have it. Lastly, Christiana was one of the best pups in her litter. She was sweet, confident and absolutely stunning. Christiana is also one of the larger girls we own. 60 lbs is average. 45 lbs is very small and 70 lbs is about as big as a girl gets (without being obese). She is tall and very good looking with a near solid white coat and blocky head for a girl.
Christiana’s Pedigree
You can see her official pedigree below. Christiana is very unique in that she has a lot of English Show Champions in her pedigree. Half of her pedigree comes from English Stock. If you study her pedigree you will see that she has several International Champions & European Champions in her lineage. She also has several Dutch, German, Finnish, English, Irish, Luxembourg, Hungarian, & Slovakian champions in her pedigree!
Christiana’s Pictures